Mt. Spokane Engagement Session; Posing Tips For Photographers

Okay so Mt. Spokane is truly one of a kind, you really can’t go wrong anywhere you shoot. Its gorgeous in every direction you look.

Here are a few of my go to posing tips to help you out at your next session!

-Always start off with movement. The first thing I start off doing is getting the couple moving! It can sometimes feel weird having a camera up close and personal right off the bat. So first things first, get your couple moving and having fun! Hold hands walking toward you, have them run in slow motion toward you, or you can always have them do a "drunk walk” toward you while keeping their faces as sober as possible lol!

-Secondly, after you’ve done a few shots with some movement. Bring them in for something a little more intimate! You can have them touch foreheads, have them touch noses, or even have them whisper something funny in their partners ear for a fun candid photo!

-Lastly towards the end of the session I always like to do some photos sitting. Depending on where your session is you can have your couple sit on a rock, or just right on the ground if they are up for it! I like to get them right in between their partners legs and then drape their legs across each other. Or they can sit right next to each other if they’re on a rock! Once they are in position have them snuggle in close, you can have one of them lean their head on the others shoulder & have them close their eyes for an even more intimate feel!

I hope these quick tips were helpful & gave you some tangible info for your next couples session! Don’t forget to make them feel as comfortable as possible by telling them how amazing they look even if that means telling them 100x like I do! :)


How to start out with photography: the things I recommend